Pro Homo Ludens Invictus


What we do

We provide a martial training environment for children and adolescents. 

But it's not just a bootcamp, nor is it a run-of-the-mill, conventional youth club. 

It's a mindset.

It's a way of life. 


This is what we provide.

Why we do it

There's a gap in the market for serious youth clubs which go above and beyond with respect to their methodology and practice. We aren't about baking cupcakes or painting eggshells though. We prepare. 

For too long have the young been wrapped in cotton wool. 

For too long has health & safety stood in the way of developing an elite among our youth. We stand in defiance of such ephemeral trends. 

Business hours

Saturday 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday 12:00 - 16:00 

The Team

Currently a single-man operation


Team expansion pending


Company Director
Main Coach

As of the moment of writing, I am the sole proprietor and only member of the Company. That makes me the Director, P.O.C. ('Persons of Significant Control'), primary stakeholder, sole shareholder, and the Company's one and only coach, for now. 


However, team expansion is obviously inevitable— so expect for this space to become bustling with content in the mid-to-near future. 


We stand against fear. Fear is for the faint-hearted and mild. 

We are anything but.




'Fear is the little death that brings total annihilation'. 

(Dune, Frank Herbert)



We stand by and for a code of values. 

Even unto our death. 

For such is the Spartan way.


Forever we may stare long into the abyss; but forever too do we step forth unto it.

We have that eternity ever within our grasp: it's all around us, separated by approximately 8000 miles of atmosphere, in all directions, at all times. 

Stood as we are in the shadows of our ancestors, the boots we fill are large indeed. But stood as we are also, atop the shoulders of giants, 

Eternity is ours for the taking.

Contact us

Telephone: +44 7415029501

Business email: tombr@117Industries.org

Registered trading address: 41 Main street, Cosby, Leicester, LE9 1UW

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